Mitsubishi Outlander PHEV wins Models trophy, but Kia wins Manufacturers again
We start the year end wrap up with Sweden, with the local plug-in market up 39% in 2019, with 40.399 units, and the 2019 PEV Share ending at 11%, a significant jump over the 8% of 2018 and the first time the final share goes North of the 10% mark.
Meanwhile, the mainstream market remained stable in 2019 (+1%), but whenever a plugin market is regularly at over 10%, the mainstream market starts to suffer and decline, as people move away from regular petrol/diesel vehicles, so expect the same to happen in Sweden throughout 2020.
BEVs duplicated their share to 4% in 2019, with the final quarter of the year pulling plugin hybrids to positive numbers, ending the year with 7% share, up 1% regarding the previous year. As such, pure electric models increased their share within plugin sales to 39%.
With the Bonus/Malus tax system penalizing even further the most polluting models in 2020, along with greater availability of new plugins, expect both BEVs and PHEVs to thrive, stealing sales from regular diesel and petrol vehicles.
Speaking of Diesel, the demise of this fuel continues, with only 32% of sales in 2019, a 6% share drop from 2018. At this pace, diesel sales should be dead by 2024...
Looking at December Best Sellers, the VW Passat GTE won the last trophy of the year, its third win in a row, placing it as a/the favorite for the 2020 models title.
Interestingly, there are two Teslas in the Top 5, with the Model 3 in the runner-up spot, with 602 units, while the Model S ended December in 5th, with a record 286 deliveries, an amazing feat, considering it is a model on sale here since 2013, and it has to compete with the younger and cheaper Model 3...Interestingly, the Model X also scored a record result, with 145 units, so one wonders if the Model 3 wouldn't also be able to score a record score here, if Tesla Netherlands wasn't stealing units from other countries...Something to be cleared in the first quarter of 2020.
Volvo also shined last month, placing 3 models in the Top 7, besides the record 362 units of the #4 Volvo S/V60 PHEV, the Swedish car maker also managed to place the S/V90 PHEV twins in #6, with a record 259 units, and the XC90 PHEV yacht in #7, with 241 registrations, also a record score, making 3 record performances in the Volvo lineup.
VW Passat GTE
Tesla Model 3
Mit. Outlander PHEV
Volvo S/V60 PHEV
Tesla Model S
Looking at the 2019 ranking, the Mitsubishi Outlander PHEV took profit from the WLTP issues of the VW Passat GTE to break the three times winning streak of the German model and win its first models trophy since 2015, but with the German midsizer back on track, it will be difficult for the Mitsubishi SUV to retain the title in 2020.
A few last minute changes happened, the main news being the 4 spots jump of the VW Passat GTE, to #6, while the Tesla Model S reached #10, while Volvo's flagships, the S/V90 PHEV twins and the XC90 PHEV, both jumped two positions each, to #13 and #16, respectively.
The remaining podium places went for the Tesla Model 3, that was the only model to threaten the Mitsubishi win, but still, the Tesla midsizer won the Silver medal and became the Best Selling BEV in this market, which is not bad for a landing year...Better luck in 2020?
In Third we have the Kia Niro PHEV, that despite a self-inflicted slow year end, still managed to win the Bronze medal.
A few last minute changes happened, the main news being the 4 spots jump of the VW Passat GTE, to #6, while the Tesla Model S reached #10, while Volvo's flagships, the S/V90 PHEV twins and the XC90 PHEV, both jumped two positions each, to #13 and #16, respectively.
The remaining changes in the Top 20 benefited BMW, with the 225xe A. Tourer climbing to #19, while its 330e sibling joined the ranking in #18.
Outside the Top 20, a reference to the record 117 registrations of the Hyundai Kona EV, it seems the local Hyundai importer has finally woken up to plugins, while the BMW X5 PHEV scored 108 units, its second record performance in a row, so it seems the Volvo XC90 PHEV will have a strong conpetitor in 2020, in the full size SUV category.
In the manufacturers ranking, Kia (19%, down 4%) repeated the 2018 Best Seller trophy in 2019, while Tesla (14%) ended in the runner-up spot (its first podium spot), after a close race with Volvo, also with 14% share, and Mitsubishi stayed in 4th, with 12% share.
As this is a final year edition, we highlight a few secondary awards:
Best Selling BEV: Tesla Model 3 - More than doubling the result of the 2018 winner, the Nissan Leaf, the Californian took BEVs to new heights, becoming the first pure electric model to reach a podium position in 4 years;
Best Selling Small PEV: Renault Zoe - The French model kept the Best Seller status among the smaller sized plugins and despite a generation change, it almost doubled the result of its BMW i3 rival, improving by 22% the 2018 score;
Best Selling Full Size PEV: Tesla Model S - This time the Californian managed to beat the local heroes Volvo S/V90 PHEV, and despite its veteranship, it still managed to increase the last year score (877 units) by 54%, to 1.353 units;
Best Selling LCV: Renault Kangoo ZE - The French model won another category title, with 731 units, a big improvement over the 417 units of 2018, but this time the #2 Nissan e-NV200 was just 200 units behind.
Looking at 2020, it promises to be an entertaining year, the 2019 Best Selling PEV will have a hard task to keep the crown, not only the three times winner (2016/17/18) VW Passat GTE is back in full speed, but the Tesla Model 3 will surely build on the current success to go after #1.
Regarding share, with sales expected to grow fast and the mainstream market set to shrink this year, the share will increase significantly, possibly going north of 20% by year end.
Apparently Audi awoke (belatedly) to the need to ship a lot of units to the Netherlands, explaining the dismal performance of the e-tron in many markets in December, and probably also November...
ReplyDeleteNot sure though what's up with the Zoe: it didn't sell that many in the Netherlands... Are they having serious trouble with the production ramp? Or delaying deliveries to 2020 for regulatory purposes?...
The ZOE did 1020 in December, almost doubling the number of the previous 11 month.
DeleteRenault was surprised by the large number of orders to be fulfilled before 01/01/2020.
Same with some other companies, getting supply only in the last week of December to the Netherlands.
Hyundai and Kia missed out on the fire-sale. They could not produce and ship enough vehicles to the Netherlands. They dropped out of the top selling models in the second half of December.
SAIC label MG was just in time a thousand deliveries after Christmas.
Yeah, the Zoe didn't do bad in the Netherlands: but not enough to starve other markets -- unless production is *really* low...
DeleteThere is information,that Renault has released over 5000 Zoe new.Sales is Niderlands are really good at December.We need to wait for the results January to do conclusions.Zoe not sold in the last two months is Norway.Killed sales before New Year.
DeleteSelling e-Tron in Nederlands-3000.On the verge of its production capabilites.
DeleteYeah, the e-Tron has had a great month in December, i wonder if it is a one time thing or Audi's SUV is set to grow fast in 2020.
DeleteI think that they will sell everything that they produce about 50000.e-Tron 50 good incentive.
DeleteIncluding USA 10000-15000.
DeleteWell, with the introduction of the cheaper variant coinciding with the pre-incentive-change rush, the outstanding deliveries in the Netherlands are rather unsurprising.
Delete(Like the Model 3 -- but unlike Model S/X or I-Pace -- the e-tron got a particularly strong tailwind this year, since it wasn't yet available for the pull-forward the previous year...)
I don't think this says much about general demand. Will see in the next couple of months how well it's really doing...
@Vlad why would you expect it suddenly to do so well in the US, after a rather dismal first year?...
DeleteMore cars,more states.
Delete9 months,to be precise.Sold 5400.They need to improve their monthly rates quite a bit.
DeleteTo the best of my knowledge, the e-tron has been available US-wide -- and I'm pretty sure I have seen mentions of plenty of inventory being available... My understanding is that the poor US sales are from actually weak demand, just like I-Pace.
DeleteActually i find the e-Tron performance in "Tesla-stan" pretty acceptable, considering the market conditions, if they manage to stabilize their sales at around 1.000 units/month there, it will already be something for the Audi managers to be proud of.
DeleteAnyway, the important markets for the e-Tron are China and Europe, if they manage to sell 2k units/month in each market, i guess Audi's EV will have fulfilled its role.
1,000 units per month would actually be a really good result for a pricey premium model with mediocre specs... I just don't see it, considering that it it would mean more than doubling 2019 sales.
Delete(Of course sales didn't start at the beginning of 2019: but on the other hand, presumably there was some pent-up demand -- so I'd guess it mostly evens out, and thus we shouldn't expect big growth going forward...)
EQC not be sold in USA in 2020.Tesla X without subsidies.
DeleteTesla subsidies in the US were already significantly lower in 2019 -- and for a $85,000+ car, in relative terms they weren't all that large to begin with... The e-tron is certainly somewhat cheaper (even before subsides): but with *much* inferior specs, I doubt anyone who was eyeing a Model X would settle for the e-tron... Most buyers are likely people who would never have seriously considered a Tesla, and thus Tesla subsidy changes do not really play into that at all.
DeleteI guess the EQC delay on the other hand might indeed have a bit of an effect... Daimler unveiled and started advertising the EQC at the same time the e-tron was unveiled, although the EQC was still far away from actual market introduction (even before the delay), no doubt specifically in order to prevent potential customers from going with Audi instead. If anyone was actually swayed by that, the extra delay is likely trying their patience...
Impossible to predict a winner in 2020.A lot of applicants.Lets hope it will be BEV.
ReplyDeleteI'd say Model 3 or XC40 are the most likely BEV candidates?
DeleteWill be interesting to see how the increased bonus/malus will affect BEV vs. PHEV sales.
Price Zoe 30000-35000,Leaf 35-40,I-Pace 70-75,Model3-45 and ...,Ioniq-35,Soul-35,Niro and Kona 37-45.These are wild prices.This should not be.
DeleteI have my doubts on the XC40, i believe it is not a question of demand, but production, Volvo will prefer to make more 60/90 series PHEVs (more profitable), leaving the battery leftovers for the XC40.
DeleteYes.This market is one of the most interesting,we will wait for pleasant surprises.
DeleteYes,I agree XC-40 it will be difficult fight for first place.They have a desire to do more 60/90.Will there be many buyers?
DeleteIf Tesla changers his pricing policy in Europe,then she will compete for first place.The one who will be more loyal in servicing and price will win.The manufactures needs to understand.Otherwise they will face heavy fines.
Delete@José while I don't have actual information on this, I *suspect* that Volvo -- like most other legacy makers -- is using a different cell type for the BEVs (pouch vs. prismatic can): so these models likely won't be directly competing for cells...
DeleteBTW, was there any word on what cell supplier Volvo is using? Given their Chinese ownership, I wouldn't be surprised if it's CATL or some other Chinese maker -- and if that's the case, with the current slowdown in Chinese EV sales, I guess Volvo won't have trouble obtaining cells at all...
@Vlad Tesla's European pricing is roughly in line with US pricing, when considering import duties, transportation costs, and taxes -- and surely won't be changing until the Berlin factory is up...
Delete(That one will start with Model Y production though, with Model 3 following only later -- so we are probably looking at 2 1/2 years or so here...)
However, the Swedish market specifically seems to have a preference for larger/pricier models -- so I don't think Tesla has much to fear from all these cheap smallish EVs popular in most other European markets...
And BTW, Tesla's current European pricing is actually quite competitive in its class. (Not comparable to budget models obviously, but why would it? Nobody expects a BMW 3-series to be competitive in price with a Golf or Corsa...)
DeleteThe whole question:they want to sell a lot or expensive?Expectation MY and mass models can kill M3.Given that conventional models will be sold more aggresively the M3 may begin difficult times.I do not think this is part of their plans.
DeleteBetween the price of BMW 3-series and Corsa huge niche.Why not Tesla strive for this niche?We all need good affordable electric cars to get the BMW3 out of the market.The rapid drop in battery prices should help.
Delete@Antrik.XC-40 very good car,but late on the marketto win prizes in 2020.
DeleteWell, Elon said that if it results in the same bottom line, they'd rather sell more units at a lower price... Having said that, even small price reductions generally have an oversized impact on the bottom line -- so there really is not much flexibility in that regard.
DeleteBTW, with all the new BEV models coming, I don't think there will be much of a "niche" left below Model 3. Tesla *might* want to enter this huge segment at some point with an additional, even more affordable model -- but that's still years out. And as explained above, just reducing prices of existing models instead is *not* an option.
Bil Sweden, the Swedish branch organization for cars, trucks and buses, is predicting a 30% share of plugins in Sweden in 2020 and 40% share in 2021.
Very interesting read!
DeleteParticularly interesting that there was a strong pull-forward of combustion car sales, which should certainly help EV share next year... 30% still sounds extremely optimistic though. Is the tax difference really that huge?
They are big optimists.
DeleteThe deliveries and models have been hold back this year. Having a plugin as company car is very economical. Levels should have been above 15% this year and with the car companies ramping up and actually wanting to deliver cars (to avoid emission related fines) 30% should not be that hard.
DeleteNot so much because of the tax difference, but because of people actually being able to get the cars that they wnat to order and car manufacturers making sure that they know what they can order.
Happy New Year.
ReplyDeleteExpecting many exciting BEV market reports.
My best guess is a 25% market share, driven by availability of PHEVs.
ReplyDeleteFor the #1 spot I see the Volvos S/V 90 apart from the 60s, the Passat GTE and not to forget the new Golf PHEV. But it might very well go to the VW ID3. A wild card is the Polestar 2, which will do well in Sweden. The TM3 would be a surprise in the top spot, given the PHEV ramp up of general market's bestsellers and the ID3 and Polestar 2 launch.
Brand wise I see a two way race between Volvo and VW
Considering that the e-Golf is not even in the top 20 last year, I'd be quite surprised if the ID.3 or the Golf PHEV take top spots...
DeleteAs for BEVs, shouldn't the XC40 be among top contenders?
The Polestar 2 is somewhat of a wild card: being kinda sorta a Swedish brand (but not really), I guess it might be getting somewhat of a home bonus -- however, likely being inferior to Model 3 in most regards (being essentially an ICE conversion), I'm not sure it will do all that well. Especially this year, when only the expensive variants will be delivered...
Regarding brands, why do you expect KIA to lose it's mojo?
If Tesla changers his pricing policy in Europe,then she will compete for first place.
DeletePolestar is an intriguing proposal, people have told me that Geely was getting tired of banging heads with the conservative Volvo managers on where to take the brand (electrification, etc), so they decided to pick up the Polestar part of Volvo and make it a separate brand, where they could do what they wanted (full EV, sporty brand, to go after BMW and Tesla).
DeleteSo, the most progressive HR of Volvo moved to Polestar, and the new brand is like the younger, cooler version of Volvo.
Problem is, while people know what Volvo is, and what it stands for, Polestar is either unknown, or seen as a Chinese brand.
That is why regardless of the Polestar 2 qualities, it will remain a niche brand for these first years of existence.
That's interesting... Should be noted though that regardless of conservative management, Volvo officially has pretty much the most ambitious EV penetration plans of all legacy brands, aside from Porsche maybe. The real problem I believe is that with their cheap "common platform across power trains" strategy, their BEVs will inevitably be inferior to competitors using dedicated platforms, making it hard to actually achieve their ambitious sales goals -- and Polestar is stuck with the same inferior platform.
DeleteGeely might be thinking they will get away with this cheap strategy, because it worked well enough in China thus far... But that's only because there were no superior competitors, while generous subsides allowed even mediocre BEVs to sell decently. I don't believe this will work in the future -- and almost certainly not outside China.
Volvo PHEVs are selling quite well, despite their "meh!" specs, so i wouldn't be surprised if the XC40 EV would sell well too...They just need to be careful with the price, they can't ask "Tesla Model Y" kinds of money for it and expect it to be a success.
DeleteMediocre PHEVs from Volvo and others sell decently, because incentives make them cheaper than combustion models in many markets; and because with a PHEV, people don't really have anything to lose over a combustion-only model, even if the EV-side specs are "meh"... BEVs are an entirely different story.
DeleteIt should be noted that lack of a dedicated platform not only makes for mediocre specs, but also for poor unit costs at higher volumes -- so I'd actually be surprised if Volvo can sell it much cheaper than Model Y, once the Berlin factory is up...
Hi José,
ReplyDeleteThank you for your work with this excellent blog!
The swedish car manufacturer & dealer organization (BilSweden) just stated in their forecast that the share of plug-in cars this year will be 30%. For 2021 they forcast the share will be 40%.
Bo Westermark
Here is a list of new and updated BEVs that will reach swedish customers during this year 2020. I have compiled the list from articles in swedish and foreign motor press.
ReplyDeleteAiways U5
Audi e-tron 50 Quattro (jan)
Audi e-tron 55 Quattro – uppdated version, better range (q1)
Audi e-tron 50 Quattro Sportback (q1?)
Audi e-tron 55 Quattro Sportback (q1?)
BMW iX3 (q3?)
Cupra Tavascan
DS3 Crossback E-tense (jan)
Fiat EV 500 (?)
Ford Mustang Mach-E Standard Range RWD (q4)
Ford Mustang Mach-E Standard Range AWD (q4)
Ford Mustang Mach-E Extended Range RWD (q4)
Ford Mustang Mach-E Extended Range AWD (q4)
Honda e 136 hp (june)
Honda e 154 hp (june)
Jaguar XJ
Kia e-Niro - updated version
Mazda MX-30 (q3?)
Mercedes EQA
Mercedes EQV short version
Mercedes EQV long version
Mini Cooper SE (mars)
Opel Corsa-e
Opel Mokka-e
Peugeot e-208 (mars?)
Peugeot e-2008
Polestar 2 ”long range” (may/june)
Porsche Taycan
Porsche Taycan 4S Performance Battery (q1)
Porsche Taycan 4S Performance Battery Plus (q1)
Porsche Taycan Turbo (jan)
Porsche Taycan Turbo S (jan)
Porsche Taycan Sport Turismo
Porsche Taycan 4S Performance Battery Sport Turismo
Porsche Taycan 4S Performance Battery Plus Sport Turismo
Porsche Taycan Turbo Sport Turismo
Porsche Taycan Turbo S Sport Turismo
Porsche Taycan Cross Turismo
Porsche Taycan 4S Performance Battery Cross Turismo
Porsche Taycan 4S Performance Battery Plus Cross Turismo
Porsche Taycan Turbo Cross Turismo
Porsche Taycan Turbo S Cross Turismo
Renault Zoe - updated version, longer range (jan)
Seat Mii Electric (q1)
Seat El-Born
Skoda Citigo-e iV (q1)
Skoda Vision iV (q4?)
Tesla Model S Long Range ”Plaid” (q4?)
Uniti One (q3)
Volkswagen e-up – updated version, longer range (q1)
Volkswagen ID.3 1st (may)
Volkswagen ID.3 (q4?)
Wow, that's a very extensive list -- including some I didn't really have on the radar...
DeleteNot sure all of these will really make it in 2020, though: EQA for example hasn't even been officially unveiled AFAIK -- while the EQC still isn't seeing real deliveries, more than a year after unveiling...
Sorry. The last line was not included when I copied the list ...
DeleteVolvo XC40 P8 Recharge (q4)
Thanks for the list, but aren't you forgetting the Tesla Model Y?
DeleteJosé, do you think Model Y will reach European customers already this year? I did not know that. Is Tesla planning to start deliveries to Europe of Model Y already in 2020?
DeleteYes, in that case all the Model Y versions for Europe should be included in the list.
@José He's not. He specifically talks about reaching Swedish customers in 2020 -- so the Model Y is not a contender.
DeleteThe Model Y.Tesla has already officially announced it will be built and delivered in the U.S., China, and Europe.
Delete@Bo definitely not according to the original plan.
DeleteWith production being ahead of schedule, it *could* be possible -- but I think it rather unlikely. As I explained elsewhere, I don't expect them to produce much more than 100,000 at best in 2020 -- which they can probably all sell in North America in the first year, even before introducing the cheaper standard range variant... So I doubt they will have motivation to bring it to Europe before 2021.
@Model Y: I think one of the reasons for Tesla to pull forward the Model Y production is all the competition coming soon, so for the brand to stay ahead of the curve, they would need to start deliveries sooner.
DeleteAnd it's not the US market that concerns them, as it is now a Tesla monopoly, and that shouldn't change soon.
The problem are Europe and China:
- In China foreign OEMs are growing faster than local OEMs and Tesla is running with VW and BMW to be the Best Selling Foreigner, with Volkswagen said to go full charge into EVs in 2020, Tesla had to respond with a trump card (Model Y);
- In Europe, Tesla is finally going to beat the German brands, but in 2020 the race will be even more fierce, especially towards the end of this year, so if Tesla wants to keep its crown, it will need to have something in Q3/Q4 to keep up the pace with the Germans.
This is why i expect the Model y to land in China and Europe in the second half of the year.
Knowing Tesla, it could be something like this: A few units in the last days of September, then a steady ramp up through October and November, and finally a break out month in December.
Tesla never needed any additional motivation to introduce the Model Y -- or any new model, for that matter -- sooner than later. It's all a question of capability. They are advancing the Model Y timeline, because they determined that they *can* -- nothing more, nothing less.
DeleteElon Musk repeatedly stressed that the major constraint (beside engineering capacity) is cell production -- in particular regarding Model Y. With Shanghai already beginning local battery production (presumably from LG cells); Model 3 production in Fremont levelling off; and Panasonic recently proclaiming that they now have the capability to smoothly ramp further capacity in Nevada, Tesla is in a position to reach volume production of Model Y pretty soon.
Since Tesla has no issues with regulations, they don't need to prioritise Europe and China, like all the legacy makers do. They can just do whatever makes most sense from a business point of view instead -- and local deliveries are favourable for various reasons, as ever.
"Staying ahead of the curve" is not nearly as important as most people seem to believe. Tesla is already established as a brand. If the Model Y turns out superior to its direct competitors -- and I think it very likely it will -- it will sell very well, no matter whether it comes half a year before or half a year after the others...
What's more, there isn't really all that much coming in terms of direct competition anyway. The most serious -- and nearest -- contender announced thus far is the Mach E, coming in late 2020. (If it doesn't face delays, like pretty much all other new BEV models do...) With only 30,000 of the 50,000 units planned in the first year of production going to Europe, Tesla needn't worry about much impact on Model Y sales, though...
The only other relevant contenders I can think of are the iNext and the Polestar 3, both planned for 2021 -- and both likely ending up rather mediocre products, based on inferior platforms... No need for Tesla to try rushing ahead of them.
Also, with Tesla being more often constrained by production capacity than demand, they just don't have a need to try wrestling the last bit of market share from competitors -- and other BEVs aren't Tesla's main competition anyway. It's all the combustion cars they are really competing with. While there is an urgent need to displace combustion car sales as quickly as possible, it really doesn't matter in which market they do it first -- they can just do whatever is more efficient for them. (I.e. prioritising local deliveries.)
Mustang Mach-E definitely will not.XC-40,EQC Model Y?Id.3 without any question.
ReplyDeleteXC40 P8 Recharge (q4) was accidently lost when I published the list. Sorry. It should be included of course.
DeleteRegarding EQC, there was already registrations in Sweden for several month, allthough in small numbers. In 2019 38 units were registered here (11 in December).
Mach-E might actually arrive in Sweden in 2020, if that's what you are talking about. Deliveries are slated to begin in late 2020 -- and Ford explicitly said that they will prioritise Europe for first-year deliveries...
Delete(Of course that assumes no production delays -- which admittedly would be unusual for any new EV...)
Мах-E will not care to Europe two more years.A small amount of for Europe.
Delete@Бо Westermark.Yeah,I understood you.
Delete@Vlad you think you know better what Ford's delivery priorities will be than what their official statements say? Don't be ridiculous.
Delete@Antrik.I think this is obvious.Mach-E sales will be small in Europe at 20-21 and its not funny,but sad. Their production constraint 2020-5000,2021-30000.Who speakes of big deliveries of Europe?
DeleteThey said they will make 50,000 in the first year of production; and that 30,000 of these will go to Europe. This is official information -- no guesswork involved here.
Delete(Not sure what exactly "first year of production" means though... Since it's scheduled for deliveries in late 2020, my best guess would be they mean fall 2020 till fall 2021? Or maybe they mean the first full calendar year of production, i.e. 2021?...)
Good news:BMW I3 increased warranty.
ReplyDeleteThe first ship gets up for loading.And most likely not in Europe.Tesla.
ReplyDeleteWhile the 2019 Swedish PEV market share crossed the 10% threshold, it failed to reach the predicted 15% share, in a stable mainstream market.
ReplyDeleteThe market development pace, saw the return to first place by the end of the year of, Renault-Nissan-Mitsubishi Alliance and the fall of Kia-Hyundai, while Tesla ended into a distant 4th place.
Nevertheless, while the Renault Zoe increased registrations in 2019, the Nissan Leaf dropped considerably and the good positioning of the Renault-Nissan-Mitsubishi Alliance in this market is only attributable to the great market performance enjoyed by the Mitsubishi Outlander PHEV.
2020 is expected to be a completly open and competitive market due to the expected impact of new arrivals, but Tesla in 2019 missed here their golden oportunity, as the new Model 3 both failed to warrant the Models Best Seller and the Carmakers title.
From the published data, 2019 carmaker positioning standings are:
1st Renault-Nissan-Mitsubishi Alliance with 8293 vehicles
2nd Kia-Hyundai with 7601 vehicles
3rd Volvo Car with 5829 vehicles
4th Tesla with 5567 vehicles
5th BMW Group with 4386 vehicles
Fierce competition started on the Norwegian market.
ReplyDeleteAnd here´s the second half of the list... the one of new and updated PHEVs that will reach swedish customers this year (deliveries). Of course, in some cases, it´s just a prognosis built upon articles in swedish and foreign motor press.
ReplyDeleteAudi A3 e quattro – new generation
Audi Q3 e quattro
Audi A6 50 TFSI e quattro
Audi A6 55 TFSI e quattro
Audi A7 50 TFSI e quattro (q1?)
Audi A7 55 TFSI e quattro (q1?)
Audi A8 L 60 TFSI e quattro (q1?)
Audi Q7 60 TFSI e quattro
BMW X1 xDrive25e (may)
BMW X3 xDrive30e
BMW 330e Touring (q3)
BMW 530e Touring
BMW 530e xDrive Touring
Citroen C5 Aircross Hybrid
Cupra Formentor
DS 7 Crossback E-tense (q1)
DS 7 Crossback E-tense 4x4 (q1)
Ford Kuga Plug-In Hybrid (april)
Ford Explorer Plug-In Hybrid (april)
Ford Tourneo Custom Plug-In Hybrid (q1)
Jaguar E-Pace plug-in hybrid
Jaguar F-Pace plug-in hybrid
Jeep Renegade Trailhawk PHEV (q1?)
Jeep Compass PHEV (q3?)
Kia Ceed Sportswagon Plug-In Hybrid (jan)
Kia XCeed Plug-In Hybrid (april)
Land Rover Discovery Sport plug-in hybrid
Land Rover Defender plug-in hybrid
Lynk & Co. 01 PHEV
Mercedes A 250e (q1)
Mercedes A 250e sedan (q1)
Mercedes B 250e (q1)
Mercedes GLC 300e 4Matic
Mercedes GLE 350de 4Matic
Mini Countryman – updated version, extended range (9,6 kWh)
Nissan Qashqai plug-in hybrid
Opel Grandland X Hybrid4 (q1)
Peugeot 308 PHEV (?)
Peugeot 508 PHEV (q1)
Peugeot 508 SW PHEV (q1)
Peugeot 3008 ”Hybrid2” (FWD) (q2?)
Peugeot 3008 Hybrid4 (AWD)
Polestar 1 (jan)
Range Rover Evoque plug-in hybrid
Range Rover Velar plug-in hybrid
Renault Captur e-Tech
Renault Megane e-Tech
Seat Leon plug-in hybrid
Seat Tarraco plug-in hybrid
Skoda Scala iV
Skoda Octavia iV (q3?)
Skoda Octavia iV Combi (q3?)
Skoda Suberb iV (q1)
Toyota RAV4 Plug-in Hybrid (q3?)
Volkswagen Golf eHybrid
Volkswagen Golf GTE – new generation
Volkswagen Tiguan GTE (?)
Volkswagen Touareg GTE
Volvo XC40 T4 Twin Engine
Volvo XC40 T5 Twin Engine - updated version (jan)
There is a very large share in this huge list cars with a price over 45000.They will steal sales from each other.
DeleteSo many station wagons coming. That will make a lot of people Happy!
DeleteBut still not a single BEV station wagon...
DeleteYep. It almost seems OEMs are doing it on purpose...
DeleteYeah, they are probably trying to keep it as a combustion engine stronghold for as long as possible, until Tesla or some other rebel decides to disrupt that segment as well...
DeleteVW already announced though that they intend to make wagon variants of their MEB-based sedans -- so I guess that stronghold is finally falling in 2022 at the latest :-)
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteGood news:Mii started mass selling in Norway.
ReplyDeleteGood news: there more and more of us.
ReplyDeleteThe bad news:online commenting is not available to us.
So another way of putting it, 327,000 Swedes thought that 2019 was a good time to buy a brand new petrol or diesel vehicle.
ReplyDeleteAnyway, to add to this most-commented-of-all-time articles, can Jose or anyone explain the price changes from 2019 to 2020? I understand that the main change is that the bonus-malus is moving from NEDC-adjusted-to-WLTP to full WLTP ratings. What effect does that have on prices?
Basically it's another €1-2k in tax in total during the first 3 years of ownership for the more polluting cars. And slightly less bonus for the PHEVs. And it is as you say because of cars getting a higher CO2 rating in the WLTP compared to NEDC.
DeleteThe difference is not all that much but Everything helps.